Personal Development

Breaking Free: Rethinking Delusion Through a Feminist Lens

Rewrite your reality

Let’s talk about something a little unconventional today—delusion. Yes, you read that right. We’re diving into why delusion might just be the secret sauce you need to spice up your life. So, grab your unicorn slippers and get ready to embrace the magic within.

The Patriarchal Lens: Delusion as Dismissal

From a young age, women are conditioned to shrink themselves, to downplay their ambitions, and to conform to societal expectations. We’re taught that dreaming too big, reaching too high, or challenging the status quo is not only unrealistic but also undesirable. And when we dare to defy these limitations, we’re labeled as delusional—dismissed, ridiculed, or silenced.

In a world where patriarchal norms have long dictated societal structures and perceptions, the term “delusional” often becomes a weapon wielded against women who dare to challenge these standards. When a woman speaks up, asserts her opinions, or asserts her rights, she is met with dismissive accusations of being “delusional,” effectively gaslighting her experiences and diminishing her credibility. This reaction is rooted in the fear of losing control and dominance that patriarchal systems have afforded men for centuries.

By labeling women as delusional, the patriarchy seeks to maintain its power and suppress any dissenting voices. It serves as a tactic to undermine women’s autonomy, gaslighting them into questioning their own thoughts and perceptions. This gaslighting perpetuates the cycle of oppression, reinforcing the notion that women’s perspectives are invalid and unworthy of serious consideration. Gaslighting in recent years has taken the form of micro-aggressions including the invalidation of the joy and excitement women felt when the Barbie movie came out (ironically mirroring the exact plot of the movie itself) to the chastising of women who get excited when Pumpkin Spice season rolls around.

This labelling reflects society’s discomfort with women who refuse to conform to traditional gender roles and expectations. When women challenge the status quo, they disrupt the patriarchal order, prompting backlash aimed at silencing and discrediting them. The patriarchal system relies on maintaining a hierarchical structure where men hold the most power, and any challenge to this power dynamic is met with hostility.

Calling women delusional is not only a reflection of patriarchal insecurity but also a desperate attempt to maintain control over women’s lives and experiences. It is essential to recognise and challenge these harmful stereotypes and support women in reclaiming their voices and agency in a society that too often seeks to diminish them.

Rethinking Delusion: A Feminist Perspective

Women being labelled as delusional is a result of the established patriarchal structure being challenged.

First things first, let’s redefine delusion. Often seen as a negative trait, it’s time to flip the script. Instead of viewing delusion as a sign of weakness or detachment from reality, let’s see it as a superpower—an ability to dream big, defy odds, and rewrite the narrative of our lives.

Instead of allowing it to undermine our credibility, we have the power to reclaim this label and turn it into a rallying cry for change. When patriarchal norms attempt to dismiss women’s voices as delusions, it highlights the urgent need to challenge and dismantle these oppressive structures.

In the face of being labeled delusional, we can harness our collective strength to push back against gendered stereotypes and societal expectations. This attempt at a derogatory term then becomes a symbol of resistance, fuelling a fire within women to demand equality and justice. By reframing the narrative, we can transform instances of discrimination into opportunities for solidarity and empowerment.

Being called delusional can ignite a sense of defiance and determination among women to assert our autonomy and reclaim our narratives. It prompts critical reflection on the ways in which patriarchal systems seek to undermine women’s voices and experiences. Through activism, advocacy, and solidarity, women can challenge the status quo and strive towards a more equitable society where our voices are valued and respected.

What if being delusional wasn’t a flaw, but a form of resistance? What if daring to dream beyond the confines of patriarchy was an act of rebellion? By reframing delusion through a feminist lens, we reclaim the power to define our own realities, to envision a world where our worth is not determined by patriarchal standards.

Benefits of Rethinking Delusion

Now, you might be wondering, what are the perks of being constructively delusional? Well, buckle up, because the benefits are boundless particularly for women navigating a world shaped by patriarchal norms and systemic inequalities:

  1. Unlimited Potential: Delusion unlocks the door to infinite possibilities. When you dare to dream beyond the confines of reality, you tap into your limitless potential. Suddenly, the sky’s not the limit—it’s just the beginning.

  2. Fearless Pursuit of Goals: Delusion emboldens you to pursue your goals with unwavering conviction. No dream is too outlandish, no ambition too grand. You become unstoppable, fueled by the belief that anything is possible.

  3. Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Life is full of challenges, but delusion equips you with an armour of optimism. When setbacks arise, you refuse to be swayed by doubt or defeat. Instead, you cling to your dreams with fierce determination, knowing that failure is just a detour on the road to success.

  4. Inspiration for Others: By embracing your delusions, you inspire those around you to dream fearlessly. Your audacity becomes a beacon of hope, encouraging others to believe in themselves and reach for the stars.

  5. Assertiveness and Boundary-setting: In certain contexts, adopting a selective delusion about one’s worth and entitlement can empower us to assert ourselves and set boundaries in interpersonal relationships and professional settings. By refusing to internalise societal messages that undermine our value, we can demand respect and equal treatment without apology.

  6. Visionary Leadership: Delusion can fuel visionary leadership, enabling us to envision and pursue ambitious goals that defy conventional wisdom. By daring to dream big and refusing to accept the status quo, delusional women can inspire others, drive innovation, and effect meaningful societal change.

  7. Creative Expression: Delusion can serve as a wellspring of creative inspiration, allowing us to envision worlds and possibilities beyond the constraints of reality. By embracing imaginative delusions, we can tap into our creativity to challenge societal norms, tell our stories, and inspire change through art, literature, and other forms of expression.

  8. Confidence Boost: Embracing certain delusions, such as believing in our own capabilities beyond societal expectations, can provide a much-needed confidence boost. In a world where we are often subjected to imposter syndrome and self-doubt due to systemic biases, maintaining a belief in ourselves can be a powerful tool for success and self-fulfillment.

Embrace the Delusional Dreamer Within

Every great accomplishment, every groundbreaking invention, every leap of faith— they all started with a dream. And who are the ultimate dreamers? You guessed it—women! From Amelia Earhart to Malala Yousafzai, from Frida Kahlo to Oprah Winfrey, women who dared to dream big have reshaped the world.

So, why not join the ranks of these fearless dreamers? Embrace your inner visionary and let your imagination run wild. Allow yourself to dream audaciously, to envision a future that surpasses your wildest fantasies. I urge you to embrace your delusions wholeheartedly. Let your imagination soar, your aspirations reach new heights, and your reality be transformed by the magic of your dreams.

Remember, being delusional isn’t about escaping reality—it’s about reshaping it. It’s about daring to envision a world that reflects the boundless potential within each of us.

So, go ahead—embrace your delusions, and watch as the extraordinary unfolds.

With love and delusional dreams,


Amy Elizabeth